On the other side series
glass paint baked onto tempered ultra-clear glass, gray one-way mirror, walnut wood

A series of new glass paintings take its conceptual, visual and color cues from Urgency and Longing (On the other side), a video work featuring an ironwood tree, glass, phone screens and fingers. The exhibition with the curator’s essay is archived online here. A feature essay and review is here.


Glass, apparently intangible, forms a barrier and a portal to reality; the artist’s touch is the magic that cracks open a connection to a novel world through the glass to the tree on the other side. Its transparency deceptively seems to yield to pressure. As her fingers and body press against it, it oscillates between portal and mirror. In touching the glass with painted fingers, Choksi embraces the history and primary touch of painting going all the way back to the cave. Her work shares in the primordial quality of the artist’s vision, a quest for the lived perspective, the core truths of perceptual experience."

—David Thorp

Installation view of Urgency and Longing, 2021, virtual solo exhibition presented by the New Viewings online platform of Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin. Curated with an essay by David Thorp.





Urgency and Longing is related to these earlier exhibitions and words: